Recently, I read about The Icecreamists, a london ice cream parlour, who have caused quite a media stir by selling ice cream made from breast milk. The ice cream, cleverly, named Baby Gaga is selling at £15 a serving.
The media frenzy that has ensued has taken me aback, and I wonder if we really are as enlightened as we think. The firestorm has even gone worldwide with Lady Gaga threatening to sue for use of her name as she dislikes the idea of using human breast milk. This coming from a person who had no problem wearing the rotting flesh of an animal to an awards ceremony. I am also fairly sure, although I am not basing this on any legal evidence, that Gaga did not invent that word, and that it was not the name given to her by her parents. I do also have reason to believe that I used the term gaga as a baby, pre-Lady Gaga, so will be suing her for copyright infringement...
Even this morning on the hugely popular Daybreak (I may have been one of only 3 people in the UK to have been watching) part time humans and full time idiots Christine Bleakley and Adrian Chiles claimed it was disgusting to eat a product made of breast milk.
I understand that people may be funny about eating certain things; I myself don't like coriander, but claiming it to be wrong is a stretch too far. There is one simple rule I apply when faced with things I don't like, now keep with me because this is going to blow your mind, if I don't want to eat something I don't put it in my mouth. God I can't believe I said it. Can you imagine the panic that would be caused if this subversive thinking were to get in to the wider world? People would stop forcing themselves to eat things they didn't want to, there would no longer be the need to complain about programmes on TV as you could just switch them off, and if you heard rap music with lyrics and opinion's you didn't like you could turn down the volume. I know what you're thinking, and yes I fear the authorities may clamp down on this type of talk for fear that the general public may start to take responsibility for themselves. It is ironic that breast milk has highlighted the nations need to think for it's self.
I have noticed that many people think this a marketing campaign to draw more business to The Icecreamists. My response to that is so what? If they are cleaver enough to promote an ice cream business in winter during a financial crisis then good luck to them. I don't envy anyone trying to make a living out of ice cream with the UK's climate, and I hope it works for them.
The bigger issue I have with this whole affair is that as humans we think it is more acceptable to drink the milk of other creatures than it is the milk that was designed for us. There truly is no more natural food than breast milk. If anything it is cleaner than that of cows and goats, and far more in tune with our natural development. If you want to make a point it should be that it is unnatural to drink any sort of milk after you have been weened on to solid foods.
Personally I would rather drink breast milk than that of a hairy field animal. As the old joke goes, who was the first person to look at a cow and think I'm going to squeeze those, and drink whatever comes out?
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